Vitamins helps you think and feel better
One of readers messaged me one day and said that I have been taking all the required supplements but cant seem to get to the best level of performance and the first question I asked him was , “do you take vitamins ? ” . The most crucial expect of dietary supplementation that most body builders are missing is absorption . Lets go over the importance of vitamins and various kinds that you should consider as part of dietary requirements.
It is essential to have a healthy body in order to have a healthy mind. If you want to be physically and mentally fit, you must take care of your body. Taking vitamins and minerals is one of the most important things for muscle building. Vitamins are essential for fitness because they help with hormone production, cell growth, and recovery time.
What are the Best Vitamins for Muscle Building?
Lets cover the basics first !
The human body needs several vitamins and minerals to function correctly. Two types of nutrients are required for muscle building and fitness. These are macronutrients and micronutrients.
These are the ones that provide energy for the body, such as protein, fat, and carbohydrates.
These are the ones that help with chemical reactions in the body. They include vitamins and minerals.
Here we are compiling some essential vitamins and their uses for muscle building and fitness.
Vitamin D
It is the most well-known vitamin for muscle building and fitness. It helps with bone growth, immune system function, and muscle development.
A study in “The Journal of Physiology” found that vitamin D supplementation increased muscle strength and power in low- to moderate-intensity exercise.
It is essential in helping bones and muscles recover from exercise, particularly after intense bouts of exercise such as weight training or endurance exercises. Vitamin D3 is a vitamin that has been shown to help people build muscle mass more quickly.
Other studies have found that supplementation with vitamin D benefits muscle strength in older adults with limited mobility and chronic low back pain. Furthermore, research shows that a deficiency of this vitamin may be associated with depression and other psychiatric disorders.
Vitamin C
It is a nutrient that can help with the production of collagen, which is vital for the structure, strength, and health of bones. It also helps with the formation of skin tissue.
Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant that can help to reduce inflammation after exercise or injury. Many of the examples are dietary supplements.
Vitamin A
It is used to maintain healthy eyesight. Vitamin A is essential for bodybuilders and athletes since it supports protein synthesis. Protein synthesis is crucial for muscle growth and energy.
Vitamin A is required for protein breakdown during muscle regeneration; due to this level of vitamin A fall, and protein synthesis rises. Another study discovered that taking vitamin A supplements decreased muscle tiredness between sets of workouts.
Vitamin E
It can reduce muscle inflammation following exercise or injury. It also has several applications. Many people are aware of its usage as a therapy for stretch marks and skin problems, but they are ignorant of its additional applications.
However, there is good news for athletes and bodybuilders! Vitamin E is an exceptional antioxidant that helps to keep the body’s cells healthy.
Aside from the benefits listed above, vitamin E has been studied as a natural preventative and treatment for carotid atherosclerosis, a constriction of the carotid artery caused by oxidative stress. Because of its beneficial effect on blood pressure, Vitamin E can promote muscular growth and speed recovery by enabling more nutrient-rich blood to reach working muscles.
Vitamin B
B-12 supplementations increase muscular strength, power, and work capacity in low-moderate intensity exercise. However, there is some evidence that vitamin B6 supplementation may have a beneficial effect on muscular strength.
According to the study, the more protein is taken, the more vitamin B6 is necessary to sustain the increased protein intake’s metabolism. A small study found that pretreatment with magnesium and vitamin B6 may help increase muscle strength during resistance training sessions by reducing fatigue.
My Experience with Vitamin supplements
You must first ensure that you are getting enough dietary vitamins and minerals . Vitamins are must have for body builders who are preparing for competition as often body builders create a void of these vitamins at the time of competition. As for my own experience I take Vitamin D and C and it has worked best for me in general health , mood and well being